Sunday, February 1, 2009

Christmas favorite!

my favoritest boys in the whole world!!!

gotta have at least one of the nut farm pictures :)

the dorky couple!...isn't love grand!!!! :)

not sure what this means? he's too loud? he smells? I just don't know?

the word "glorious" comes to mind! happy, healthy, clean, well groomed children? It doesn't happen often (at least not everyone all at the same time) but when it does, we are sure to break out the camera and go to town! (actually it's all because "it's a church day" as Michael would say) the only thing missing in this one would be our number one daughter Lindsay!!! Now that would be glorious to infinity! We thought we were taking Christmas card pictures....sadly, the card part never happened. But I love the picture part!

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